Saturday, October 29, 2011

Angels and Demons?

Call it getting into the spirit of Halloween, but I got into an interesting and slightly disturbing conversation with a girl last night. There is this supposed “exorcism room” in the school (for those who haven’t yet guessed, it’s a rumor). Anyway, there was a girl who overheard our conversation and warned us saying that we shouldn’t mess with demonic things. I agreed with her, up to the point where she said she is Christian, but she studied the occult and demonology (is this a science?). My response (which I said only in my head) is this: why bother with demons at all? The devil is real, but as C.S. Lewis once wrote there are two risks, we can either hyper-focus on demons or not believe in them at all. Now, do I believe in exorcisms or possessions? Well, I can’t say for sure what I believe when it comes to demons, because so little is written in the Bible other than that the devil tempts man away from God. I do know this though; God is more powerful than the devil. There is no power of hell that can beat God, if we are strong in Christ then we are safe from harm. We cannot be physically harmed or taken over, because God is always watching over us and keeping us safe. Never did Jesus lose the battle between the devil, so what reason is there to fear him so? My philosophy is such, fear God and God alone. It doesn’t matter what the devil can do to us, because I know that God is stronger and will keep me safe from harm. Sure my life can get crazy at times, sure I may stray and fall to sin, but I am never out of God’s hand and grace and am therefore saved. Sure the devil desires to take us from God’s hand, but if we are strong in God we cannot be harmed. There is nothing to fear but God, all else is taken care of.

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