Thursday, November 10, 2011

77 Times and counting

I was reading Matthew 18 and came across a passage about forgiveness. Peter, innocently enough, asked Jesus how many times he should forgive his brother, offering his own answer of 7 times. Jesus came back saying “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.” Matt 18:22. 77 times, so does that mean I can make a list of every fault someone does against me and then say to him “sorry bud, you got your chance.” While we may wish it were that way, it isn’t. Forgiveness is hard, I’ll admit it; as with many Italians (especially Sicilians) I can hold a grudge. I’ve tried to reform my ways, but still when my pride is damaged I can revert back to being angry instead of understanding. I think the biggest issue people have with forgiveness is that we all want justice. We don’t really like to let go of things, if Jimmy was mean to me I don’t want to just roll over and let him walk all over me. Here’s the thing though (well, two things), that isn’t what forgiveness is. Forgiveness doesn’t mean I say, “Oh it’s ok how you treated me, I don’t mind.” Forgiveness is us letting go of our damaged pride and seeing that person for how God sees them. Forgiveness means lowering down our walls and being more understanding. Is it right for people to hurt us? No, but if we hold it against them forever then we do more wrong than they did. Another note, forgiveness is necessary. An unforgiving person is not fun to be around. When you hold a grudge you end up bitter, cold, and angry with those around you. You put up walls that keep others out, even God. While it may be hard to forgive, it is necessary to do and as with all things God asks of us He will help us every step of the way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen T,

You are so right,, also keep in mind that sometimes the hardest person to forgive is ourselves. We are to forgive freely but through God's grace accept and feel forgiven.

Love Dad