Thursday, November 17, 2011

Did He Really Say That?

Recently I watched a very interesting video on my FCA (fellowship of Christian athletes) meeting. We were talking about proofs for God, and then we watched a Discovery Channel special on Stephen Hawkins and his conclusions about the origin of the universe. Hawkins claimed that there is no need for God and also no afterlife. He said that we finally found the meaning of our universe and should be proud; he said that this life is all there is and he is grateful for it. I am not so well trained in physics; I’m more of an English and philosophy man, but I do have one question for Hawking. Should we be proud? Should we be grateful? If this world is all there is, then I have very little to be truly happy about. Think about it, if life is nothing more than an “every man for himself” battle for achieving our desires and dreams then what is the point? What does it matter if I continue to live out the rest of my life or end it tomorrow? The answer: it doesn’t. If there is not God, no true sense of justice beyond our relative understanding, who’s to say that that theft, murder, or rape are crimes? The answer: no one. We cannot prove or disprove the existence of God, it stinks but it’s true, but I believe that the world points right to God. That life has value points to God. That our world is defined by the principle of a “good world gone bad” it points to God. That I can have the hope to carry through the trials that weigh me down points to God. Can I prove anything? No, but neither can anyone else. Sometimes you just have to reach out and trust that there is something there, but then again, isn’t it worth it? I feel bad for Hawking, I sincerely do. He lived a hard life and is paralyzed, if this is all there is to life then he led a sad existence. In God’s eyes though he matters just as much as anyone, a life lived for God is a life to be grateful for, a life that is never wasted.

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