Saturday, June 9, 2012

On the Other Side

This isn’t entirely related to my Biblical study at the moment, but its important nonetheless. Currently I’m working very hard in a job that requires me to make cold calls. Essentially I call people during the day with a short (really, it’s only 2 questions) survey. You’d be surprised to hear that very few respond, and the majority of those that do are rude. Wait a minute, that’s not hard to believe because I too am one of those rude people. I used to love the moment a telemarketer would call so I can answer with a loud “click” or if I fashioned myself especially witty that day I’d put up a ruse and pretend to be someone else and get a good laugh. Yeah it was good fun, but I never realized how the other side feels. Any time someone hangs up or even yells at me (it happens) I feel bad. I’m just a kid working and trying to add a bit to a resume that needs, well, a boost; instead of receiving courtesy I get a metaphorical slap in the face. Next time a telemarketer calls I may not buy their product, but I sure as heck will be nice enough to listen to them and politely decline. Yeah getting phone calls is annoying, but it’s not like the guy on the other end is choosing to call us to sell whatever junk he’s supposed to sell. I’m sure he, like me, would choose to play baseball, spend time with family and friends, or whatever if given the opportunity. Instead he’s in a job that requires him to do something we find unpleasant. Taken in that light, let’s make the decision to be courteous. Sure it might take time out of our days or hold back some indignation, but everyone deserves courtesy and love.

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