Wednesday, February 18, 2009

How To Hit A Homerun

Coming off the A-Rod story here is a good way to generate bat speed without resorting to illegal substances. Here is my secret to get that power at the plate, the key component in getting that extra pop is bat speed. Not many people fully understand that which results in a lot of players pulling the ball with their arms. The best way to generate bat speed is to utilize your core and legs so really make sure you “squish the bug” and rotate all the way around. It’s not so much the arms as it is your lower half so what I do when I work out is include a lot of core and leg exercises. Also swing wood when in training or the off-season, and keep your hands in; because wood is heavier it makes it easier to swing the aluminum and keeping your hands in creates less drag getting the bat to the ball in a much quicker time. You don’t need to resort to drastic actions to improve in any area of the game; all you need is a good workout program, technique and a lot of repetition. A boy once asked a man how to get to Fenway Park, and he said “practice, practice, practice.”

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