Thursday, February 26, 2009

I will be more Undignified

“I will become even more undignified than this, and I will be humiliated in my own eyes.” (2 Samuel 6:22). These words were spoken by David to his wife Michal who was angered by his zeal for the Lord. David wasn’t just excited, he was more than that the ark of the Lord was brought to Jerusalem and what did David do? He danced and praised and disrobed himself before the Lord. Michal didn’t get it, she didn’t understand David; sometimes we can be too much like her. How many times have we held back our joy for the Lord? How many times have we held a shout happiness, tears of joy, and a song in our hearts? How many times have we thought “Oh what will people think about me?” I’ll admit that I am guilty of this I have held back my joy; I’ve been like Michal. David was in the place where it was just him and God and no one else. He didn’t care who was there all he was thinking was that the ark of the Lord, God’s presence was in Jerusalem. He didn’t care who was watching him he jumped for joy, he was happy and wanted God to know it, even if all of Israel would. How often are we in his shoes, the place where the opinions and judgments of other people don’t matter to us? I say this, I say that we shed these burdens from our shoulders and run the race the Lord has marked out for us. I say we forget what we are thought of and run full speed out of love for the Lord. David said to Michal that he will be more undignified, that he will do more to show his love for the Lord. Are we going to be more undignified that this?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you are so right that we become so concerned with how we look so often rather then the joy of celebrating God's love no matter how we look to others.. Does this mean I can clapp to the music in church now?

Love Dad