Monday, July 11, 2011

New Book

So as for new books I’m reading a big one is The Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius. I mentioned I am going to Holy Cross in the fall, well, Holy Cross is a Jesuit school and Saint Ignatius founded the Jesuits. So he’s pretty important out in Worcester (the city where Holy Cross is for those who don’t know). Anyway, while in Oregon I was at Powell’s bookstore (best in the world) and felt compelled to look him up. And so here I am taking part in the exercises of Saint Ignatius. It really is a very interesting book, Ignatius, like C.S. Lewis, was a layman, meaning he didn’t really have formal training (except later in life) and so it is simply a man’s journey with Christ and what he feels outline his faith journey. For now I am in week one out of four weeks and have a few thoughts. First, why the word exercise? Well, to use an example I will be taking part in a triathlon this fall and need to workout, a lot. I’ve got the swimming down, it’s just the running and biking and so I need to, you guessed it, exercise. A favorite phrase of mine (not by my invention though) is “if you’re not getting stronger, you’re getting weaker.” It’s the same with our spirituality, if you don’t put the effort in, don’t be surprised to see how far off the path you are, like everything in life it takes work. Next, week one is based on a foundation that I am a wicked, fallen, person and don’t deserve God’s grace. Sounds harsh right? Think about it though, if I, like the Pharisees, think I am a good person then how can I accept grace. On the other hand if I have the mindset that I am fallen I will readily accept grace because I will see the need for it. God can only help those who see the need for help; otherwise His help is seen more as an intrusion than a helping hand. For now those are my thoughts, as I continue through the book I am bound to have more things to write about so until then enjoy the All Star break and the Sox being in 1st place.

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