Thursday, March 8, 2012

We Need to Grow

My family recently bought a small house on Cape Cod to vacation in and rent out, and my younger sister is convinced that it is haunted. I have not been in the house so I cannot attest to the level of activity going on, but I do have an opinion on the issue. I used to believe in ghosts and all that paranormal stuff, but then I became a Christian and view it more as a devil’s trick than something real. Still that kind of stuff gives me the creeps, but there is one thing I am more afraid of. What scares me the most is not demons going bump in the night, but how the devil can easily slip in between God and us. Here’s a good example, I have been away from the blog for some time; I have been busy and have not really been reading my Bible. Now, the devil isn’t causing me to stop reading my Bible, but he is suggesting that maybe I get a few more minutes rest, or maybe because I am not in the right frame of mind that I give in to a temptation that would otherwise be resisted. It’s not in leaps but in small steps that we leave God. I still have firm faith, but my dedication has been lacking of late. Ghosts don’t scare me quite as much as the realization that I am farther from, not closer to, God than I was a month ago or even a year ago. This Lenten season, focus on getting close to God and staying that way. Just as Jesus was tempted so are we and we must do our best to resist temptation and grow in our relationship with the Lord. 

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