Thursday, March 22, 2012


So earlier tonight I went to the Lutheran Church in Worcester to help out with the youth group and as usual it was enjoyable. I sometimes find myself in disagreement with fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, and this was one of those times. The topic of tonight was healings, as we as Christ’s disciples preforming miracles. Now I do not discount the power of God, I firmly believe in the miracles of Jesus and that God’s power is limitless. As C.S. Lewis once put it (and I paraphrase) God wrote the rules, He is fully capable of bending around them a bit to do His will. But it seems to me that some people are missing the heart of the matter when it comes to preforming miracles. One of the members seemed to talk of testing God’s power in praying for the sick to show that miracles exist. Now, what I find disagreement with is this. Who is doing the healing here? As a mere man I can do nothing, but through Christ I can do anything. When Jesus preformed a miracle He was sought out. People didn’t bring the blind or sick to test His power, the blind wanted to see and the sick wanted health. Jesus was the cure. It’s not that what the people at the church wanted to do was bad, it was very good of them to desire to help a friend. But what they miss is that God is the one in control, and it is up to us to seek His help. In my opinion it isn’t the faith of the disciples that causes the healing, but the faith of the sick. Let’s say I lose my sight, who’s faith will save me my friend’s or my own? In seeking God myself I demonstrate my own faith, that is the real test (if there ever was one). This is certainly not to say that we shouldn’t pray for the sick because we should. My point is that we mustn’t lose sight of God’s power and His will behind the scenes. God is the supreme Healer, not me. The moment I put myself in focus and God in the blurry edge is a moment I step away from His glory and into pride.,

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