Sunday, October 14, 2012

Go Tell it on a Mountain

As I sit here in my family’s relaxing Cape house I had a change of thought. It’s not that I don’t like school, it’s just that I have enjoyed my time at home. The reason for that? Peace. I have peace at home, I have time to pray, write, and read. I have time to sleep and listen to God’s voice. Well, I heard Him loud and clear this morning as I was packing. When I leave college and am on my own I won’t have my mother and father’s house.
            I will have my own home, I will have to create my own environment and my own peace. It is the same at school. Instead of plowing through the weekdays only to sleep and burn through the weekends, I should view every day as a special mission from God. A day in which my mission is to go out and reflect my Lord through my character. A day in which my mission is to love everyone—not just the people convenient to me, but the down trodden as well.
            God told me that He needs me to go back, because we all are “ambassadors of Christ.” We are God’s representatives in a foreign world, a world that was His but now is lost. We are his speakers and through us He proclaims His word. There are a lot of people saying things about God, and unfortunately for us some of the loudest people are the farthest from the truth as well. What good is reading the Bible and praying if you never act on God’s commands in your life? Jesus told us to go out and proclaim the living word; God has told me that much this morning and I am ready to take on His request.
            Life is too short to live passively, waiting for the next break off from work. Instead live it with fire, live it saying “no matter where I am, I can serve God’s purpose and show Him to the world.”

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