Monday, August 16, 2010

Thoughts on Loss

I’ve been thinking a lot about loss lately; loss is a tough thing to deal with and when I came back from Belize it felt like I lost a lot in my life as I have had to go through a few losses. To be honest, at first, I didn’t believe the things I heard, I thought that it was some sort of a bad dream that I would wake up and everything would be back to normal, the way it should be. Lately though I’ve realized that things are not going “back to normal” that time will just keep going on and what happened, happened. Then I became angry, not necessarily angry at God, or with my friends and family, just angry at what happened, that I wasn’t present, that I didn’t have a chance to say goodbye. Loss is tough, I wish there were an easy answer, that when we lose a pet, friend, or family member I could point to a verse and say “See here, this is what the Bible says” but unfortunately at the time I don’t know any. One thing that comes to mind is the story of Job, the man who literally lost everything, when God answers him He doesn’t give a specific answer but instead He lets Job know that He is in control. Loss is very hard to go through, but the thing is I, and everyone, must trust God and call to Him for strength to keep going. Ultimately God is in control, no matter how it seems at the time.

1 comment:

mbpbooks said...

It takes faith to remember that we are loved. Thinking of you.