Sunday, August 8, 2010


I saw a great movie that really made me think, it was called To Save a Life. I won’t ruin it for you but essentially it is about a boy named Jake Taylor whose childhood friend commits suicide. Jake doesn’t know how to respond initially but he eventually gets involved in a local church, builds a relationship with God, and changes his life dramatically to impact those around him. What made me think was this: we have so much influence on the people around us, everything I do or say is seen by people and processed the question is what message am I giving off? In Belize we went to a local church and the pastor asked the congregation this, when was the last time someone told you they loved you, and when was the last time you told someone you loved them? When was the last time I told somebody I loved them? Sure I love my family and friends but how often do I let the people around me know how much I really cared? Before I became a Christian I thought nobody cared, I thought my life was going nowhere and then out of the blue I get invited to church and all these people shower me with love, that’s what the Gospel is all about and that is what we should be doing to those around us. Something I realized in Belize is I don’t have to travel the world to tell people God loves them, I can do it in my hometown. I can talk to the lonely person with few friends, I can help out the teammate who is having trouble, I can tell my parents how much I appreciate everything they do. So often I write about faith but you know what, Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 13 that out of faith, love, and hope love is the most important.

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