Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A New Year's Resolution (Really)

I was never one to make New Year's resolutions, but I have decided to make one this year. I've never believed in making a commitment for just a year, I always felt that if there is a way to better my life I should strive to achieve it as long as I live. However, I've got a ways to go in life (I hope) so I think I should start small with my goals and work my way up. My goal is one I've tried and failed to keep, despite its simplicity. This year I will read the Bible at least twice a day. I can read any time, I just have to read it at two separate occasions. I've found that many of my problems throughout my life have been solved through the word of God. Well, if I am struggling now perhaps the word of God is the first place I should turn. I want to make many changes in my life, not just for me but also for the people I love. Here's to 2013, a year in which I will go back to the drawing board and allow God to build me back up to the man He wants me to be, and a man who cares for and loves those around him.

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