Wednesday, January 23, 2013

No Naysayers Allowed Here

This post relates to my own personal struggles as of late, but fear not I will update you on my readings in Exodus when I find the time as we continue our series on “What does God want us to know?”

This post is about naysayers, everyone knows a few. They can be strangers, relatives, or friends. They are the people who, when you attempt something great, tell you it cannot be done. They are the people who make critiques on your goals, and tarnish your achievements.

This causes a great deal of frustration; it’s tough when you walk out your door only to be on edge should some passerby comment on the label of your clothing or your most recent aspiration. While I cannot change the world around me, I can change my inner self and how I choose to react.

To connect to my current study, Moses was a man who had to change a lot to become the great man he is considered to be today. Moses was found by God as a reject, immature and very unsure of himself. Moses could have continued listening to the naysayers around him, however he chose to listen to God instead.

Do you listen to naysayers and critics? Do you allow others’ opinions of how you dress, walk, and talk dictate how you act? If so you may be in order for a change. Why listen to mere men’s opinion of you when there is a God who thinks the world of you? I could let people bring me down, yet I look out and see how God has entrusted this blog, FCA, and my own personal ministry through my life—why listen to people who cast criticism when there is a God who thinks so highly of me?

1 comment:

Unknown said...


If look through the history of great achievements there were people saying there is no way it can be done,, I was one of them in 2004 after game 3 of the ALCS telling the lady in Roche Brothers with a little baby and a redsox hat,, lady don't do it to him, don't condemn him to a life of heart ache and disappointment.

In the 1980 when Ronald Reagan introduced his economic recovery plan they all laughed and called it Reaganomics,, until a few years later President Reagan quipped, I notice they don't call it Reaganomcis any more now that it is working

The key point is God blesses you with great vision and ambition and the courage to go after loft goals, and the discipline and work ethic to achieve them.

DO not fear what they fear, Do not Be afraid, but in your heart set apart Christ as Lord and always be prepared to give an answer for the HOPE that you have,.

You are going to win some, you are going to loose some, but no matter what you will never loose the love of your creator and your hope of salvation the is is in Christ Jesus, and if you have that what else does anything really matter..

be blessed
love dad