Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year's Prayer

Happy New Year everyone, I pray you all will have safe travels. I start off every year with a prayer; I believe that is the best way to begin a year, and also the wisest. My prayer this year is very simple, but meaningful. I simply pray that in 2013 may God shine His light on me, and show me the way out of the funk I have fallen in to. I don’t care it takes 5 weeks or 5 months, I just want God to guide me through this and bring me back to Him. I’ve come a long way, and I have a long way to go and so I pray that God give me the strength to keep fighting and be patient with me when I fall. That’s all I really want, is a lasting sense of peace and joy, the ability to say that no matter what life throws at me I know I am ok because I have God. God, please give me your guidance and strength, and bring me closer to You this year. I don’t want money, fame, success, or even prosperity, all I want is You, and Your guidance and love. That is all I want. Amen.

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