Thursday, August 14, 2008

My Favorite Recipies

Besides from loving baseball and Jesus I also love to cook. Here are three of my easiest and best tasting recipes. I'll post many more in future posts.

Garlic Pasta: You'll need pasta, chopped garlic (use fresh not jarred), olive oil, butter, and salt to taste. Boil the pasta, and at the same time melt some butter and oil in a small pan and add the garlic and saute until done. When the pasta is done, drain it and mix it with the sauce.

Red Pepper Pasta: Pasta, jarred roasted red peppers, garlic, parsley, hot pepper, cream, olive oil and salt to taste. Boil some pasta while making the sauce. Put red peppers, oil, garlic, salt, parsley, and a little hot pepper in a food grinder and mix until smooth. Add the sauce to a pan and cook on medium low, stir constantly! When the garlic in the sauce is cooked through, turn the heat down to low and stir in cream until the sauce goes from red to red-pink. When the pasta is done drain it and mix it with the sauce

Chicken cutlets: You'll need chicken breasts, a hot pan of olive oiul, bread crumbs, flour eggs. These are pretty simple, clean the chicken breasts and cut them into thinner strips. Dredge them in flour, then egg, and then in bread crumbs. To cook them put them in the pan of oil, and cook each side until the chicken is done. Note: Do not dump vats of oil in the pan, you are pan frying not deep frying. You need only about half a centimeter of oil in the pan! These cutlets go great with my garlic pasta, you can chop them up and mix the pieces of chicken in with the pasta.

1 comment:

mbpbooks said...

I have tasted number one and number three and THEY ARE DELICIOUS. Next time I want my personal Italian chef to make recipe number two. I will purchase the ingredients!