Thursday, August 14, 2008

We all think we are good

I've been thinking and elaborating on a message I heard a man preach on my mission trip. It came from the story of the rich young ruler. At first I thought i got it, a rich man comes up, and is sad that he can't go to Heaven cause Jesus says so. But it's a little more, the reason why he is wrong is a little more. I missed the fact that he came up to Jesus when He was talking to the children, so already he has it in his head he is better than the children. He then calls Jesus good. He calls Jesus the "good teacher", good back then was a different word, it was a word only associated with God. This rich man walked up to Jesus, and may be calling Him God (which in that matter he is right), but the fact is, he is calling Jesus (who he believes just to be a Rabi) good. He thinks a Rabi is good, and why? Because the Rabi keeps the rules, they make the rules, they keep the rules, so they are good. Like God who makes and keeps the rules a Rabi is good, and guess what, Mr. rich man says to Jesus "I kept those commands since I was little" Which translates to "Hey Jesus, I keep the rules, I'm good too!" He is calling Jesus who is a Rabi good just because he keeps the rules, and he is saying to Jesus that he keeps the rules and is also good. And then Jesus drops the bomb. He puts this so called goodness of this man to the test and asks him to obey one more rule. NO IDOLS. This man puts his money before himself, and does not therefore keep the commands. This man, he's just like all of us. Sometimes we think we are good or better off than some people. But only God is good, and we should put Him first, and drop our idols.

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