Sunday, July 19, 2009

Major League Debut: 7/19/09

Today I caught at Fenway! It was amazing and humbling. I was surprised that I was not as excited or hyped up as I thought I would be, it was weird I stepped on the field and it’s just silencing. I got to sit in the dugout when I wasn’t catching and that was really cool, it didn’t hit me then but to think of it now I was sitting in a dugout and playing on a field that is almost 100 years old and has seen many great players. I caught four times for about 10 – 15 minutes each and having not caught in a couple months is was tough but fun. It’s amazing the people I saw there were groups that were giving donations ( I would catch for one group) and there were small kids, old people, cancer survivors, and even at one time cancer patients, it was amazing. My dad took tons of pictures which I will post later, it hasn’t really hit me but tomorrow I think it will. I just have to thank God for this, you can’t make this stuff up!

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