Sunday, July 12, 2009

What the Psalms taught Me

Well this is a cool moment, this is the first post written on an airplane; I scribbled down some thoughts while on my trip to Oregon (I keep saying it but I’ll get the pictures up later). I wrote earlier that I came to a rocky spot in my faith a friend suggested that I read the Psalms. I’ve read the Psalms before but never thought much of them, then as I opened my Bible it hit me. I used to envy other people for how “rock solid” their faith seemed and if there is anyone to envy it’s King David. King David was chosen by God to be king and was often called a “man after God’s own heart” but wait a minute! The same guy that wrote “It is good to praise the Lord and make music to your name O Most High” Psalm 92 also wrote “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” Psalm 22. David’s faith wasn’t perfect, one glance at the Psalms shows that at times even he got lost. I just started reading “Surprised by Joy” written by C.S. Lewis and one thing that shocks me is that the faith giant that wrote classics like “Mere Christianity” and “The Screwtape letters” struggled and even was an atheist for a while! God can use everyone, even someone who once rejected Him, and one thing I noticed is every time my mind wanders off, every time I get a little too far away He always draws me back to Him. Life is not a perfectly paved journey it’s more like a dusty dirt road; I fell down in my faith I still stumble sometimes but I know that God never gives up and never stops drawing us toward Himself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

tay tay

Great perspective,, everyone expects christians to be perfect, even in their faith, but they are NOT, we all fall down. That is what is so awesome about grace.