Monday, July 13, 2009

Some Really Good Drills

Here are a few great baseball drills that really help you develop a quick and powerful swing, quickness is key in hitting it doesn’t matter how strong you are, if you aren’t quick you won’t hit. What most people don’t know is that hitting is all lower body; most guys use aluminum bats and develop a long swing that is all arms. To fix this I take my bat in my left hand (I’m right-handed) and choke up and then take about 10-20 swings off my tee to start off my workouts. This will help you bottom hand (because I’m right-handed that is my left) get through the zone quickly and pull your bat through. If you ever watch the homerun derby you see guys flicking their bats out and smacking the ball; that is what this teaches you to do. Next is a BP drill, you get someone to give you underhand soft toss, but they do it “rapid fire” style. Basically they flip you one ball after one another helps you get a quicker swing and better reflexes. Those are some more of my hitting tips I hope they help you wherever you play, but remember it’s all about having fun and giving the glory to God.

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