Sunday, December 30, 2012


I ask today that you watch your words. We don't really think much about how what we say can affect others. We may not be able to control what has happened in our lives to cause us to be angry or hurt, but we can control how we react. As my father once said "10% is what happens, and 90% is how you react." How do you react to pain in your life? You you wear a scowl so people will leave you alone? Do you hurt others, even you family, to build yourself up? Do you envy success in your friends so much that you belittle them any chance you get? We all do these things at least once in our lives, and they are some of the cruelest and most hurtful things you can do. We don't really give much thought to how our words can affect us, but they remain the greatest tools of God's love,or weapons of the devil that we have. With your words you can save a life, or trash one. I have realized this, and I say this to you: tell those around you that you love them. Tell your mom and dad that you love them. Hug your sisters and brothers and tell them you love them. Depending on your friends you can use some discretion, but still let others know how much you care. We may be hurt in our lives, I have been hurt a lot over the years but God has pulled me through. God has had faith in me, and all He asks is that I have faith in Him. So God, I love you. I love you more than any thing here on this earth, and I trust in you always. To run on anger you need something to be angry about, our anger is in very limited supply. But love is infinite, God gives His love freely through His ultimate sacrifice. You can never run out of love. So share that love with others. I don't just ask you, I dare you. I dare you to love, and let others love you. You will be pleasantly surprised by what happens.

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