Monday, December 3, 2012

A Resolution of Sorts

            So I’ve been thinking about a change that I want to make in my life. I thought to myself, “gosh, it’s too bad that New Year’s is a month away, otherwise I could make a resolution.” Then I remembered that I don’t need to wait, I can make a change now. This blog often suffers when I go through a time of spiritual dryness, but aren’t those the times that I should be writing most about? This blog was not started to follow me through my journey with God, but over the past 5 years that is exactly what it has done. So, I am not going to hide away, instead I am going to write more often than before so I may arrive at an answer to my essential problem: there is a sadness that has settled on my soul that I cannot find the root of. 
            I have seen worse than this—I lost my faith in God, nearly lost a family member, and was deeply hurt by a friend. Have those things stopped me though? Have they kept me from God’s love? The answer is no. So, I resolve from now to whenever I see fit to blog at least once a day. They may not be long, multi-paragraph posts. Heck, they could even be one sentence but I will write and pray and find the answers God is whispering to my soul.
            I have started to read the Bible over again. Over the years the mystic and wonder has left my eyes as reading the Bible has become commonplace. I have read through it in entirety about 4 times, and the New Testament an additional 2 times. With that a familiarity has settled. Now I am starting again with Genesis to recapture that wonderment, to truly understand what God is telling me with His word. He had it written down for a reason, now I must examine it and meditate on it to find out what God wants me to know. The Bible is the ultimate love story: it is a story of God’s love for His people, and His struggle to win us back. Well, I’m going to run back to Him, and that starts now.
            I have thought that my current struggles are something that I should not be going through. I have written many posts over the years, and know that I have at least part of God’s truth and wisdom in my heart. Still I am facing a challenge, and that is nothing to be ashamed of. I am not ashamed to admit that I need prayer and help. Above all I am hopeful and trusting in God’s good grace that He will show me the way. When I reach the point God is leading me to, I will have grown closer to becoming the man God wants me to be. I readily admit that I am weak, or at least I am weak without God’s strength. Until tomorrow I am signing off as I have plenty of homework to do.

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