Tuesday, December 4, 2012

He Loves Us Always

            As promised here is my post for the day. I believe that God spoke to me today, and that I am one step closer to where He wants me to be. I have begun a private Bible study with a close friend (another goodness God has done to me!) and have chosen Genesis. It’s an interesting choice considering we are in the Advent season; my friend brought it up, asking why don’t I choose a book from the New Testament. When he first brought it up I did not have an exact answer, I don’t even remember much of it other than that I did not convince myself. Today I think I found my answer: it is because I need to realize that I need saving and am not forgotten by God.
            I am currently suffering under a bout of anger that refuses to give me peace for more than a moment’s time. It has driven me away from God, and my friends. It is this anger that has caused me to be ashamed of the fact that though I, Tay Tay, am a strong believer in God, writer about His word, and self proclaimed ambassador of Christ, I feel that I have fallen from God’s grace. Reading the beginning of Genesis has shown me something though: that is what we, as people, do.
            I am imperfect, and am in no way going to be close to the standard that God has set for my life. When Adam and Eve bit into the fruit they gave themselves knowledge of the law, and thus the ability to sin. Did they die? Not physically, but they did spiritually. With sin comes separation from God, and that is why Jesus came here on earth. God did everything He could from Heaven, and then tried one last thing: coming down here to live among us and eventually die for us.
            Does that not amaze you? That though we are imperfect, heck though we consciously choose to separate ourselves from God He always reaches out to love us and be with us. I may be in a fog, but I am in no way forgotten by God. He is watching over me, and whispering His guidance into my ears as I type. I allowed myself to be taken away from God’s light, now I need to do everything I can to run back to His open arms. God spoke to me today, and He told me that I am imperfect, but loved despite that. It truly is a miracle. 

1 comment:

Mark Scionti said...

Grace, it is so amazing

Great perspective

Love dad