Thursday, February 14, 2013

Brief Thoughts

One brief thought as I run out of ways to avoid doing my homework.

While stress and pain may overtake me, and have wrecked havoc in many ways over the past few months I cannot express how good it feels to know that even though I will fall down there is someone to pick me up.

I've always tried to do everything without help; I hate to admit that I am weak and need help sometimes. Part of it's being a guy, part of it is my stubborn Italian nature yet God showed me I was wrong just when I needed it. I was convinced no one would catch me to prevent me from falling, yet to my great surprise there were many more people even less willing to see me fail than I was.

I realized that I had given up on getting up. I was down and I wanted to stay there, for whatever reason I do not know. I can go on and on about resilience and patience and whatnot, but I'd be lying to you if I said I did it all on my own. It took a great deal of people, like you, to show me I needed to get up and to show me how to get back on my feet.

Next time I fall I can find comfort in knowing I won't fall alone, which really is my greatest fear of all.

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